Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Concert: A Place to Bury Strangers

Last Wednesday, the seventh I believe, I attended the Black Angels/A Place to Bury Strangers show at the Bowery Ballroom. I had heard a lot about both bands and their live shows, though I was really more excited to see A Place to Bury Stranger (who I will now refer to as Strangers) because I had actually heard some of their music. And, if your not familiar with their sound, try to imagine what it would sound like if you combined She Wants Revenge with Sonic Youth but and then turned up the feedback of a guitar to 10. It works, trust me. Anyway, I caught the opening band Spindrift, who had a strange psychedelic/western sound to them. However, I couldn't help but feel that all of their songs sounded quite similar.
After that, it was time for Strangers to go on. As the lights dimmed, three or four people with professional cameras ran towards the stage to get the best shots. However, it turned out I probably had the best spot, as I ended up being directly in front of lead singer/guitarist Oliver Ackermann. Now, you may have heard that the band is loud. Well, you heard correctly. As soon as they started playing, I almost ran back to the end of the club due to the noise level. However, I didn't want to loose my great spot, so I stayed. Am I quite glad I did. Not only did the band sound great, but the show itself was awesome. The lighting which started out with a bright blue light silhouetting the band and eventually turned it to a mad strobe show. Also, Ackermann's fronting abilities were good. He never really spoke to the audience, but instead went crazy with his guitar, strumming it to the point where I thought he would bleed, playing with the feedback on the speakers, and even pulling out the strings while it was still plugged in and proceeding to throw the guitar around. Cool stuff.
After there show, everyone was buzzing for the Black Angels, but to be honest, I only stayed for one song. They were okay, but I didn't feel like they could really live up to the show that had gone on before it, and because of this I left. Don't give me shit, I stand by it.

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