Saturday, October 27, 2007

Film Review: 30 Days Of Night (2007)

Hell yeah! This movie is awesome. I hadn't heard a lot of good things about this film, so I approached it with some caution (also I had just seen the garbage that is Saw 4). However, I was pleasantly suprised about how good this movie really was.

The plot itself is quite original. In Barrow, Alaska, there is a time every year where the sun goes down and stays down for thirty days. Sucks, right? Well, not only is it dark and cold, but now vampires have decided that this would be the perfect place to feed, seeing as no sunlight means they are free to roam and kill as the please. And they do just that.

I think what really caught my I about this film was the cinematography. David Slade knows how to use his colors and take advantage of his settings. From the lush lanscape shots of Alaska (actually, it was New Zealand pretending to be Alaska, but it still worked) to the disturbing yet eye-pleasing shots of red against white (blood against snow), this movie is quite beautiful.

The actors are all top notch as well. Josh Hartnett stars as Eben, the lead sheriff in town who finds out its his job to save his estranged wife (Melissa George) and the rest of the surviving townsfolk from the crazy vamps that have run amuck. All actors are convincing and realistic,and I found myself caring about them, even the ones who were clearly there just to be killed later by the vampires. Speaking of which, they are terriying. The way they talk (high-pitched screams and echoes) and their weird eye slanted, jagged mouth appearance made them probably some of the best vampires i've seen since Nosferatu (I'm not a fan of the normal looking ones).

Any complaints? Well, it did seem to drag at some places. Not like, to the point where I was bored, but sometimes it seemed as if they could have cut some stuff out. But that's just a small nitpick.

Overall, I had a great time at this film and will be picking it up on dvd for sure when it comes out.


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